Film Camp for Kids & Youth, hosted by the Media Arts Community Centre (charity), wishes to pay tribute to our sponsors, supporters and collaborators. Their generosity helped to make the camp the success it is today. Thanks to Unifor Local 200 for sponsorship of the camp in 2022, 2023 and 2024.
To make a charitable donation go to ZEFFY:
We especially thank Service Canada (Summer Canada Jobs) and our local MP Brian Masse. The federal government has provided funding to help us recruit more than 90 students and recent graduates over the past nine years. They also provide a grant for our seniors’ programs, which were also supported by the Canadian Red Cross during covid 2020 and 2021.
A Canada 150 grant through the Province of Ontario made it possible to launch our first film contests and screenings.
Libro Prosperity Fund gave the camp a $75,000 grant for camp operations and equipment, which truly helped to grow our camp in 2014/15/16. In 2019, The Windsor Essex Community Foundation and the Rotary Club of Windsor 1918 gave donations to upgrade our equipment.
MANAN Strategy Consultants / MANAN Media Productions and Amanda Gellman, who founded the camp, have provided daily support in kind and financials donations, since 2012.
Petretta Construction provided the camp with a wonderful in-kind space for camp from 2016 to 2020.
Due to the growing number of applications, the Maycourt Club of Windsor provides bursaries to financially challenged youth. The OMSTH Priory of Ascension of our Lord provided bursary support in 2023.
Northstar Cultural Community Centre and Canada South Science City are our education and outreach program collaborators.
2024 Sponsors are noted below.