Children’s Activities Tax Credits
The film camp for children and young people. Our program may be claimed under the Tax Credit for Children’s Arts.
This means that parents may apply for a non-refundable tax credit for programs. That contributes to their children’s development but is not subject to the child’s fitness tax credit.
The following information was obtained from the Canada Revenue website:
The child arts tax credit is non-refundable. Non-repayable tax credits reduce federal tax. However, if your total non-refundable credit exceeds your federal tax, you will not get a refund for the difference.
- For 2016, the maximum amount of eligible expenses for the year will be reduced to $250, but the additional $500 for eligible children for the Disability Tax Credit will not change. As a result, the maximum credit is reduced to $37.50 ($112.50 for a child eligible for disability tax credit).
The Film Camp for Kids & Youth adapts to beneficiaries’ eligibility and tax receipts acceptable to the Canada Revenue Agency.
For more detailed information on eligible expenses and programs, please visit: